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What people are saying about my events...

I couldn’t believe the “literally” instant change I was able to achieve after the Spirituality&Money talk and meditation session!!! Veronica’s pep talk was so honest and refreshing that it actually feels nice for once to get things straight in this confusing world. The meditation itself was a journey worth getting lost in. Imagining, dreaming almost in a very beautiful and safe space. I was surprised to know exactly what I needed to do, and how I wanted to do it shortly after the session, and got things done in one day after a month of procrastinating and finding the best approach. Clarity was the order of the day. It’s been few days since the last session, and I am still going strong and completing tasks as I set out to do with incredible ease. I am loving to have such a clear direction now! Veronica’s topics are so relevant for everyone, I highly recommend people give them a go. As they say ‘you never know until you try’.


Wow! I really loved this workshop! It is just what I needed. I have been through a lot of trauma in my life whilst growing up and this workshop and especially the fire ceremony, really helped on my healing path to let things go which no longer serve me. It has helped to heal my inner child and give the love she deserves. I learnt so much and i loved the energy and guided meditations too.
Veronica is fantastic at what she does, has so much knowledge and experience. She is a beautiful energy to work with and makes you feel comfortable, at ease and safe. I enjoyed it so much, thank you so much for your help. Highly recommend to anyone. 10/10


Veronica's workshops provide a valuable opportunity to dive deep into those parts of ourselves usually buried beneath the surface and bring back to the light parts that are ready to be healed. She makes this potentially tricky process so natural with her presence and the use of simple but powerful tools like the flame of a candle. I've found myself opening up and transmuting parts of myself that I would never have the courage or ability to do alone. With other healers this can sometimes be a draining and challenging process, but with Veronica it seems so effortless yet the effects run deep .I'm not sure if it's her unique energy or the tools she uses that are so linked to the fundamentals of nature, I suppose it's a bit of both, but either way, I love it and am very grateful for the opportunity.

Happy CustomerUnited Kingdom

Verónica’s workshops are incredibly powerful and thought-provoking. I always leave her workshops feeling rejuvenated, empowered and focused. I would recommend her courses to everyone!


Great webinar and perfect timing for it! In a difficult situation it's not easy to think about the future. But there are solutions for that and this webinar gave them to me.


Another insightful and interesting workshop from Veronica! Veronica really knows her stuff, yet delivers the content in a really collaborative and 'human' way, so you feel like you're learning together. Her energy and positivity are infectious!


For any woman looking to understand and reconnect to her body and personal power, I definitely recommend Verónica’s workshop! Her good vibes are contagious and made it a safe environment to share our aspirations.
Veronica shares very valuable information on our cycle and helps you get clarity on the life you want to live. I loved it!

Happy CustomerNetherlands

If I were to decide as to how to describe all the videos in one sentence, I would say that
they were all the ‘Art of Attracting Positive Emotions’

Veronica shares very valuable information on our cycle and helps you get clarity on the life you want to live. I loved it!


Your webinar was brilliant. Just what I needed at this stage in my life. A lot
of thought-provoking questions and I loved the follow-up action points.
