Reclaim Your Power
1:1 Healing Coaching Program
Break free from the past and reclaim your power to confidently create the life YOU truly want to live.
Is this you…?
Lack of Confidence
You don't feel confident enough to go after your dreams, so you feel frustrated and stuck in a life that doesn't make you happy. There is an inner voice full of self-doubts and you struggle to value, celebrate and love yourself like you deserve.
Negative Self-Talk
You mind is always busy with negative thoughts about yourself that keep you small. 'You're not good enough', 'Who do you think you are' or 'You don't deserve this' are messages that your inner critic often throws at you out of nowhere. This leads to a chain of negativity that keeps you down and disempowered.
Stuck in the past
You feel a heavy baggage from past experiences that are not allowing you to live your life fully. It might be a traumatic experience that hasn't healed properly, accumulated emotions like resentment, anger, fear or sadness or a deep belief about yourself that is no longer serving you.
You know it's time to do the deep healing and let go of the past for good.
Hidden Blocks
You have done a decent amount of healing and personal development but you feel like no matter what you try, you always go back to old patterns and ways of thinking. You know that there are some hidden blocks you haven't identified yet but you need to release if you want to live your highest life.
Stress & Anxiety
You are going trhough tough times and feel stressed, anxious or many other emotions coming up to the surface. You don't know how to handle tem and feel overwhelmed, like all the joy is being drained out of your life.
Unfulfilled Purpose
You have a good life but somehow you feel unfulfilled, demotivated, lacking direction. You know you want to find your purpose but sometimes you even doubt if you know who you are anymore.
If you answered yes to any of the above, the 'Reclaim Your Power' programme is made FOR YOU!
With this programme, you will...
What we cover in the programme
The ‘EMPOWER’ Method
to Create YOUR Vision
I will guide you in a self-discovery process to help you identify what your dream life looks like to YOU.
Not the one that others expect you to live, but the one that feels authentic and aligned for you. What old ways of living do you want to leave behind? What is missing? What are your big goals and dreams?
This vision will help you have a sense of direction and purpose.
We will also use powerful intention setting and the Law of Attraction techniques to siwtch to a more eleavted state of being and bring your vision into reality.
Heal the Inner Child
& Break Free from the Past
If your inner child carries fears, insecurities or pain that haven’t been resolved, this will show up in your adult life.
It can manifest as self-sabotage, strong emotional reactions, anxiety, unhealthy habits, lack of self-belief or negative thoughts about yourself.
We’ll help the inner child feel safe, re-write her story and give her the love she needed in the first place.
Heal the wounds of the past, traumatic experiences and ancestral patterns that are no longer serving you and reconnect with the joy, innocence and playfulness of your gorgeous inner child.
Reprogram the Subconscious Mind
to Develop an Empowering Mindset
We will replace them with empowering new beliefs that will bring you closer to the life of joy and purpose you deserve.
When you leave the overthinking and negative thoughts behind, you can build a more positive self-talk that will support your growth and expansion, making you in resonance with a much more joyful reality.
Raise Your Self-Confidence
& Reclaim Your Power
It’s time to shut up the inner voice that says that you are not good enough, there is a problem with you or that other people’s needs are more important than yours.
Negative self-talk is the number one enemy of self-confidence, which results in people pleasing, keeping yourself small and living your life based on someone else’s expectations.
When you believe in yourself life is much easier, it flows and you can build your dream life.
Reconnect with your biggest inner treasures, your skills, your unique talents and your inner wisdom. As you realise your self-worth you will become more empowered to take actions that are aligned with a joyful and authentic way of living.
Cultivate Self-Love
& Embody Your True Self
When you cultivate self-love and treat yourself with the kindness and compassion you deserve, you true self will start to flourish, unleashing your essence – all your inner talents, everything that makes you unique and special.
By learning to love yourself you will enjoy a feeling of inner peace and joy like never before.
Develop Your Intuition
& Access Your Higher Guidance
As you rid your busy mind of old beliefs and negative thoughts, you will be able to access your intuition and listen to your Higher Self – the best and most powerful way to make decisions that are aligned with your Soul’s purpose.
When you follow your Higher Self’s guidance life just flows, and you can unlock new potentials you never thought would be possible for you.
Learn how to use and trust this magical skill in a safe and empowering way.
Bonus: let me show you how to flow with your female cycle and optimise its different stages and this skill will become a superpower!
So if you are ready to leave the past in the past, reconnect to who you truly are and live out your soul's purpose so you can experience a life of joy and fulfillment, this programme will help you achieve just that!
Enough staying stuck, it is time to release yourself and live the life you were meant to.
If this is calling to you and you want to find out more about the 'Reclaim Your Power' programme book a free discovery session below.
What does the program include?
One-off session
- 1 x 1.5 hour online session.
- Summary of the session with key takeaways, action plan & personalised resources.
Mindset for Soulpreneurs 1Day Intensive
Join the waiting list
- A full day of 1:1 healing coaching & mentoring (around 5 hours).
- Summary of the session including your action plan and personalised resources to use after the all-dayer.
- Email or Voxer support for 30 days after the all-dayer.
3 Month Programme
Join the waiting list
- 6 or 12 1hour sessions (Or make them longer or shorter in increments of 30min).
- Summary after each session with key takeaways/next steps.
- Personalised resources & tools to use between sessions.
- Unlimited message support between sessions.
Online Courses
From £60
I will be on maternity leave starting late February 2025, so at the moment I’m only offering one-off sessions as spaces become available. If you can’t find a slot that works for you, please email me at
If you are interested in the 3 month programme or the 1day intensive please join the waiting list below and you will be the first one to know when I start offering it again!
Clients' love:
Alice, UK
Working with Veronica is absolutely life changing. Having completed the 12 week programme, I've come out of this with new lessons about myself that I never would've considered before. The guided mediation and visualisations that Veronica hosted one to one with me meant I got to explore and meet the elements of myself that are showing up when I feel an emotional reaction to anything that life throws my way!
I have left the sessions feeling empowered and genuinely more wholesome. With a focus on feminine energy and acceptance, I'm much more in position where loving myself comes naturally.
I can't thank you enough!
Franki, UK
I am so, so pleased I found Veronica. I was feeling really low and had just been prescribed antidepressants but I didn’t want to take them and I never had to because Veronica helped me so much. I’ve learnt how to let go of the past but also now feel ready to deal with anything that comes up in the future. It’s a great place to be!
Krishna, UK
One of my greatest investments into myself has been working with Verónica. I knew that my mindset was not serving me any longer, however I was struggling to edit the narration of my story. I came across Verónica in a serendipitous way and right after my introduction call with her, I knew from Verónica's energy that working with her was just what I needed - her empathy, friendliness and ability to make one feel at ease is truly remarkable. At the time it was a big decision due to the costs attached, however, I knew that the payoff would continue to give me great returns throughout my lifetime and I was not mistaken! From working with Verónica over the past several months, I have gained significant self awareness and vastly expanded my mental toolkit, as well as gotten more in touch with my highest self and femininity. I have finally cultivated the mindset of the woman whom I always have desired to be. I give Veronica my highest recommendation!
Candice, UK
Working with Veronica is always wonderful - each time is different, and each time we go so deep... Among other potent things, together we have excavated and released old beliefs and programmes that were suffocating me, and we have brought back a beautiful part of my Soul, so that I now feel more whole, and empowered from my very core - my transformation, both within and without, has been profound! Veronica creates such a safe and supportive container, and I feel witnessed and understood in her presence, and encouraged and inspired by her words and her deep wisdom.
Wejdan, Jordan
Veronica is a highly skilled healer, I’ve experienced instant healing after each session, and huge shifts over the period of 2 months, I feel like a different person now, she has wisdom and compassion, I felt like talking to a best friend, she’s so understanding and kind, as well as experienced and skillful in what she does, I’m so grateful for her for helping me make those rapid and huge changes in my life.
Jess, UK
Veronica always allows space to hear me physically, spiritually and energetically. I have found my sessions to be transformative and each time I am amazed at how aligned Veronica is to my internal energies. She has a beautiful way of holding a nurturing, safe space for me to share and be vulnerable, and incredibly intuitive skills and talents that have helped shift my blockages and move me forwards. Thank you V for your support and guidance. Very much appreciated and highly recommended!
Leah, Canada
Your support, wisdom and kindness has helped me so much over the past few months. Your direct, clear and sensitive approach has made me wake up to my potential and to help me believe in myself again. You're the best!
Anne, UK
I had a fantastic journey consisting of 9 sessions with Veronica. Each session was revealing, healing and most enjoyable. By the end of the programme I felt lighter and I knew I had released some things that no longer served me . Veronica is a wonderful coach and therapist and I highly recommend her.
Book your free DISCOVERY session and let's find out if 'Reclaim Your Power' is the best option for you.
This free no-obligation session is a great opportunity to meet each other and know more about what working together would look like. We will explore where you are at and where you want to be and I will let you know if I think I’m the right person to help you. Whether you decide to work with me or not, these sessions can give a lot of clarity and confidence and you will leave the session with a renewed and more empowering vision of yourself!
Hi I'm Verónica, Mindset Coach and Therapist.
My mission is to help women to break free from the conditioning of their past, reclaim their power and unlock their inner treasures so they can confidently create the life they truly want to live.
I have helped many women across the globe (almost 20 countries now!) to step into their power and elevate themselves beyond their story and start living in an authentic and fulfilling way, leaving the people pleasing, self-doubts and old ways of living behind.
I have a unique approach to healing and self-development which combines powerful Energy Healing techniques (including Emotional Freedom Technique & Matrix Reimprinting, Theta Healing, Pranic Healing and Shamanic Energy Medicine), the results-orientated approach of Coaching and the therapeutic background of Humanistic Integrative Counselling.
In addition to my experience and knowledge, when you work with me I bring my powerful intuition to the table, which is one of the most effective ways to spot hidden blocks and guide you in the right direction. Plus I have a very grounded, no-nonsense approach to spirituality – which can be hard to find these days!
Does this sound like something you need in your life?
Book a free discovery session here and let’s chat!

My work is transformational because it is the combination of these powerful disciplines:
Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping) & Matrix Reimprinting
This is an incredibly powerful technique to resolve traumatic memories, allows forgiveness and wisdom to be gained from past events, sends a message to the body/cells/DNA the trauma is over and you literally rewrite the story that lives within you, replacing limiting beliefs or early decisions with empowering beliefs and emotions. Once you ‘rewrite’ your story and upgrade your state of being, you will send it to the field to attract new experiences that match your new beliefs and emotions.
Theta Healing
Theta Healing is one of the most powerful techniques I’ve found to remove limiting beliefs, old patterns and ‘install’ new empowering beliefs and emotions. It is much quicker and effective than conventional therapy because we work in the theta brainwave state, which gives us access to the subconscious mind. We will start with a meditation to take us into a theta brainwave and to connect with the universal energy of creation. From here we can achieve deep healing and personal transformation through ‘reprogramming’ the subconscious mind.
Shamanic Energy Healing
We all carry old stories within us from painful experiences, traumatic events, or challenging situations we have had to face… When these experiences are not healed or processed properly, they can leave ‘imprints’ or pockets of ‘dirty’ energy in our energy field that can manifest as limiting beliefs, repeating patterns, toxic behaviours, negative experiences or even physical symptoms. The Shamanic Energy work I do focuses on clearing the energy field from all sorts of energy blocks (including karmic imprints, etheric cords or attachments), while developing a strong connection with our true essence.
Spiritual Mentoring
We are much more than flesh and bones. This life is just a fraction of a much deeper and longer soul journey. When we are connected with God and our Higher Guidance we know we will be guided and supported in every aspect of our life. We can then make decisions that are in our highest interest and that will result in the most joyful experience we can have on earth while continuing our soul evolution. I will teach you a combination of spiritual practices, like meditation and prayer, to help you connect with your Soul’s mission, so you can flow with life and be open to receive the blessings that the universe has for you.
My background in Humanistic Integrative Counselling means I am trained and experienced to create a safe space for you which will enable you to connect with the inner resources you already have, but might be difficult to see when you’re facing tough times! You will feel supported and taken care of in an non-judgemental sacred space. A big part of the healing and personal transformation process relies on integrating the big eureka moments, the mindset shifts and the energy clearings we will be doing. I am well equipped to guide you in that process and make it smooth and enjoyable for you!
Life Coaching
Coaching is a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires the client to maximize their personal and professional potential with a more ‘goal-orientated’ approach than traditional therapy. My coaching tools will give you clarity around your true values and your life goals. You will gain awareness about what is holding you back and what you need to do to move forward and have the life you always wanted. Expect assignments between sessions that will take out the best of you!
What are your qualifications and approach?
My sessions are a combination of various energy healing techniques, humanistic counselling, coaching and mentoring. I work with the persona as a whole, seeing the big picture of their soul evolution journey.
My sessions have a friendly, warm and empowering approach, you will feel understood, supported and taken care of.
I am a qualified advanced Theta Healing practitioner, a technique developed by Vianna Stibal and practised by thousands of people around the globe.
The ThetaHealing technique is a world-renowned healing method that was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995 during her own personal journey back to health and after she healed from a 9-in tumor her leg.
The ThetaHealing technique is a meditation technique and spiritual philosophy – not specific to one religion but accepting them all – with the purpose of getting closer to the Creator. It is a training method for your mind, body and spirit that allows you to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. (Taken from the official Theta Healing site).
I am a certified Emotional Freedom Technique (also known as ‘tapping’) Practitioner.
Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT is a relatively new discovery based on ancient healing principals over 5,000 years ago, from the ancient Chinese Shoalin and Taoist monasteries.
The Eastern healing arts of acupuncture, acupressure, shiatsu massage and reflexology, amongst others, were derived from the energy maps established by these early healers.
The EFT process also draws important influence, especially for deep emotional and psychological issues, from the many people who have contributed over the ages to the understanding of human psychology.
More recently, this amazing therapy owes much to the work of Dr George Goodheart, the founder of Applied Kinesiology, and Dr Roger Callahan the founder of TFT Thought Field Therapy.
It was in the early ‘90s that one of Dr Callahan’s former students, the Gary Craig simplified the complicated TFT algorithms and made the process universally applicable for all. After stimulating the body’s well established energy meridian points by tapping on them with ones fingertips, mental, emotional and physical issues successfully clear away emotional debris in the form of blocks in the energy meridians. Thus EFT was born.
I am a certified Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner
A new EFT technique to change your relationship to your past and dramatically transform your physical and emotional health in the present, developed by one of the only 29 EFT Masters worlwide.
We hold in our fields the stressful life events that have gone before, not just as memories but as specific energy bodies, which in Matrix Reimprinting are called Energy Consciousness Holograms or ECHOs. With the Matrix Reimprinting technique we can work directly with these ECHOs, resolving the negative energetic charge around them. This changes our relationship to our past, and affects our emotional and physical health in the present.
Some of the benefits of Matrix Reimprinting include;
- Very easy to use and gentle on clients
- Resolves traumatic memories often within minutes
- Quickly finds core issues, related trauma and beliefs
- Locates pre-conscious trauma (pre 6 years) often beyond clients awareness and conscious memory
- Allows client driven reframes and cognitive shifts thus preventing therapist projection
- Locates Psychological reversal , secondary gains etc
- Fills the EFT void, creates positive beliefs
- Successful with non visual clients or who have difficulty with imagination
- Allows forgiveness and wisdom to be gained from past events
- Sends a message to the body/cells/DNA the trauma is over
- Resources the client and rewrites the past
- Naturally utilises the law of attraction in a very powerful way
I am a qualified Shamanic Energy Healing practitioner by The Four Winds, a world leading energy healing school lead by Dr. Alberto Villoldo.
His unique teachings integrate the traditional healing practices of the Native American Shamans with the latest discoveries in neuroscience. The shamanic techniques allow the client to access deep healing, working on removing the imprints on the energy field that might be manifesting as negative experiences, toxic relationships or physical symptoms.
My guided visualisations are inspired by Shamanic Journeying techniques, and they will help you reduce stress, connect with inner parts of yourself, create vision boards and heal the soul at a very deep level.
I hold a 2 year Master’s Degree in Humanistic Integrative Counselling.
- The humanistic approach looks at the person as a whole, and assumes that under the right circumstances, every person has the inner resources they need to develop and thrive. The humanistic approach is focused on building a strong therapeutic relationship with the client to create a safe space to enable the client’s personal development. It’s not about diagnosing the client with a ‘condition’ and telling them what to do. One of the main founders of this current was Carl Rogers.
- ‘Integrative’ means that this approach uses a combination of different tools and psychological models depending on the clients’ needs. The main ones are:
- Transactional Analysis (TA). It is a theory of personality and a system for personal growth and change founded by Eric Berne. As well as providing a theory of personality, TA offers a range of models that can be used to explain communication and relationships. These models can help identify what goes wrong in communication and how to interact for a better outcome. Many TA concepts are simple to learn and apply, making them very accessible and effective. For example the Ego States (Parent, Adult and Child), the Script, Drama Triangle and Psychological Games.
- Gestalt by Fritz Perls. The focus is on self-awareness of what’s happening in the here and now. Increased awareness and understanding of the present, of one’s immediate thoughts, feelings and behaviours, and of patterns of relating can bring about powerful change and new perspectives. One of the main techniques is the Empty Chair, which is designed to allow the client to work through conflict with someone ow within yourself.
- Theory of Grief. (By José Zurita and Macarena Chía). Following this process which comprises 9 stages (Denial, racionalization, anger, fear, sadness, acceptance, frogiveness, gratitude and new attachments), the client is able to integrate an important loss (whether that’s losing a job, breaking-up with a partner, moving to a different country or losing a loved one).
- Emotional management techniques. Repressed and blocked emotions remain in the body not only causing emotional discomfort but they can even show as physical symptoms if they are not released properly. The client will learn to identify their emotions and express them in a healthy way.
- Attachment Theory by John Bowlby. According to this theory, there are four types of attachment that are developed based on the relationship the person had as an infant with their main care giver: secure, avoidant, anxious and disorganised. This has an impact on how we build relationships as adults.
I am also qualified as a Breathwork Coach, accredited by the Counselling & Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body (CPCAB)
Breath is the only autonomic function we can control in the body. You can’t tell your stomach to digest your food quicker but you can direct the speed and pace of the breath. Since the breath is directly related to the nervous system and the fight or flight response, by changing the breathing we can bring deep healing to the body, improving our emotional state, mental capacity and physical health.
My study of the female cycle and feminine nature gives a unique approach to my sessions and content.
- Understanding and embracing our feminine and cyclical nature is an essential part of personal development and empowerment for women. I will show you that our cycle is not a burden but a gift that can be used as an incredibly powerful tool to optimise your performance, well-being and fulfillment.
I’m also qualified as a Coach by Barefoot Coaching London. I will give you personalised tools and exercises to do between sessions and whenever you need.
I will encourage you to take an active role in your personal development journey by doing the suggested exercises. They can include journaling, guided visualisations, things to add to your morning or night routine, and many other tools. As a Coach to a sportsman, I’m here to encourage you and support you on your journey so you make the most of your potential!
When we work together, I use a combination of the above techniques and resources, always personalised to your needs. Also, I bring my powerful intuition to the table, which is one of the most effective ways to spot hidden blocks and guide you in the right direction. Plus I have a very grounded, no-nonsense approach to spirituality – which can be hard to find these days!
How do I book my first session?
You can book your one-off sessions directly on this link.
If you sign-up for the programme, please email me at to choose a weekly slot that will be reserved for you for the whole programme, ensuring availability for your sessions every week!
Can I book a one-off session?
Years of experience have shown me that the personal transformation and healing journey works better as a process and not one-off sessions.
If you really want to see results, you will need at least a few sessions and to be active in the process (i.e. engaging with the suggested ‘homework’, changing some habits, etc.). That’s why I decided to offer my sessions in packages, because that’s the way you will achieve deeper transformation.
My clients who have got the best results are the ones who have committed to doing ongoing work on themselves, doing sessions on a weekly or biweekly basis and making the most of the support between sessions.
However, if you want to try a one-off session before you commit to a package, you can book a one-off 90minute session here.
Also, if funds are tight to invest in the 1:1 programme, you might want to check out my online programme: ‘Awakened Soul – Raise Your Frequency to Transform Your Reality’ which has my most advanced teachings and techniques in an affordable 6-week step-by-step easy to follow video programme!
How can I contact you between sessions?
The support I offer between sessions is really useful and the clients who have engaged with it have achieved the best results!
It is great for accountability, for the days you need extra ‘moral support’ or for any questions you might have between sessions.
You can contact me on email or Voxer.
Voxer is a ‘messenger’ app where we can message each other, share documents and send voice messages.
When you sign-up to the Step Into Your Power healing coaching programme you have unlimited support between sessions, but please note:
– I aim to reply within 24 hours during working hours Monday to Friday but there might be busier periods of time or due to time difference when this might take a bit longer.
– You are welcome to send a voice message if needed but please keep them to a couple of minutes maximum. If a question needs longer than 2 or 3 minutes to explain, please bring the question to our next session so it can be addressed properly with the attention it requires.
If you have any other questions please email me on or book a free discovery session here.
Do you offer counselling/talking therapy?
Yes! I also offer traditional talking therapy – I am qualified as a Humanistic Integrative Counsellor.
This a more gentle approach which is great if you are looking for ongoing support for a longer period of time and you just want to come to the sessions and not engage with ‘homework’ or support between sessions. Sessions are 50 minutes each.
Please note that therapy is a longer term process and to see results you will need to be willing to do weekly sessions for a while – I normally suggest a minimum commitment of 12 weeks of weekly sessions. If you are interested in doing fewer sessions or having them less often, the 6 session option of my ‘Reclaim Your Power’ healing coaching programme would be a better option for you.
If you want to start therapy sessions please email me at with your preferred days/times and I will send you my available slots.