I'm Verónica, Mindset Coach & Therapist

Only when you heal and let go of the old, can you step into a more elevated state of being that will make you a magnet for the joyful and abundant life you deserve.

My mission is to create a healing space and guide you through my most powerful tools so you can achieve the deep healing and transformation you are feeling called to do.

The shift has to start within, and then life follows, presenting you with opportunities you never thought possible.

By doing the DEEP inner work, my life changed from being broken inside, unfulfilled and disconnected from myself to living a joyful and abundant life that feels aligned with my heart and soul.

If this has been possible for me it is certainly possible for you too! All you need is the right guidance and tools to reclaim your power and start unlocking the magic that the universe has in store for you!

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Create the Life

YOU truly Want to Live

I firmly believe that anyone can live a fulfilling life full of love, abundance and joy.

But the negative thoughts, limiting beliefs and old stories can be too strong to confidently go after your dreams, right?


Because you no longer depend on anyone accepting you or approving you to feel good. You no longer depend on luck or global events. You are no longer subject to fate, family patterns or old stories.

True power comes from within, not from external validation.

By doing the inner work, you can break free from the programming of the past, you can discover your true self (not the one others expect you to be), and you can grow your confidence to start creating the life you came here to live - one of love, joy, fulfilling relationships, impactful work, aligned with your soul's journey.

If you are feeling the calling to do the deep healing so you can finally live your highest life, you are in the right place!


Get my FREE Healing Meditation to Reclaim Your Power!

Clear energetic blocks, self-doubts and negative thoughts and unleash your empowered self.

My story

Born and raised in Madrid, I started my career in the corporate world. My life was apparently perfect. I was working as a Senior Manager in an international company in London, had a lovely boyfriend, expensive clothes in the wardrobe, friends to share my hobbies with…

My plan of becoming an executive in high heels was going really well.

What else could I ask for? Well the most important thing was missing – I was not happy. Something inside me knew that there had to be something more to life than working just for money and waiting until retirement (sooner than later please!) to enjoy life.

I started a journey of self-discovery and I realised that the first thing I needed was a career change. The more progress I made, the more unsatisfied I felt. Promotions, money, compliments from my social circle… none of those would fulfil me.

I wanted to do something meaningful – I wanted to work with and for people. I have always been curious about how humans behave the way we do. Why we react one way or another. That led me to train as a Humanistic Integrative Counsellor. As part of my master’s degree they required me to start a therapy process myself. Although I started with resistance, I know now that it was the best investment of my life.

I worked on my fears, limiting beliefs and patterns. I healed so many wounds.

I experienced a deep transformation and started to feel like I was in control of my life. But I knew there was still something missing.

In a serendipitous  way, I came across some meditation and energy healing techniques that changed my life. They helped me protect my energy field and elevated my consciousness. They were key in my spiritual awakening process.

I realised that if I wanted to get any further in my self-development I had to do some serious deep inner work. Talking therapy was a first step to gain awareness and heal the first layers, but the real work was still to come (and I am a ‘work in progress’ still!).

I discovered the world of energy healing and learnt that we are not just our physical body. I understood that we are all connected, that we are all one, and that our incarnation in this lifetime is just a tiny step in our soul evolution journey.

From this perspective, everything started to ‘click’ and make sense!

I started to develop a strong connection with my intuition, my higher self . This is when magic started to happen.

I quit my corporate job, started my own business and moved closer to nature. The more I followed my calling and the more inner work I did, the more life smiled back at me!

I was getting more and more clear on my purpose – helping people to heal their past and reclaim their power so they could experience the same freedom, joy and abundance I started attracting when I did the DEEP inner work! This has always been my motivation to keep learning and working on myself so I can be of service in the most effective way.

After trying many therapies and energy healing modalities, I came across Dr Alberto Villoldo’s work on shamanic energy healing and immediately felt a strong calling.  I knew that this was the link I was missing if I really wanted to help people heal at a very deep level and achieve real transformation. His training gave me the skills to work at the energetic and soul level. Removing the imprints from the energy field is much quicker and more effective than talking therapy!

I’m also qualified as a Theta Healing practicioner, a healing modality that allows us to access the subconscious mind, where deep beliefs are stored and profound change can be achieved. This technique is extremely powerful if you want to remove deep and buried limiting beliefs that might be holding you back.

But the discipline that truly blew my mind is Emotional Freedom Technique and Matrix Reimpriting. The power this technique has to uncover and clear hidden blocks, heal your past and reprogram your subconscious mind is insane!

I have also studied the female cycle deeply to understand how it affects our mindset, energy levels and emotions. I love teaching women how to flow with their cycle and use it as a tool to optimise performance, success and well-being, this is a game changer!

My work is a combination of all these powerful healing modalities, my therapeutic background as a Humanistic Integrative Counsellor, my experience as a life and career coach and my own  personal and spiritual development journey.

I know that without all the inner work I have done I wouldn’t be where I am today. Happily married, running a purposeful business, living in a gorgeous place in Devon and enjoying a wonderful feeling of inner peace, content and fulfillment.

This is what I want for you and I know you can do it. I know you deserve it. And I know NOW is the time to make it happen!

You deserve to live the life that your heart desires, not the one conditioned by the baggage of the past.

Are you ready reclaim your power?

Book this free, no-obligation session so we can meet each other and decide if working with me is the best option for you.

Book a FREE DISCOVERY session here!

Join me in an empowering self-discovery journey to deep healing, personal transformation and soul evolution!




Working with Veronica is absolutely life changing. Having completed the 12 week programme, I've come out of this with new lessons about myself that I never would've considered before. The guided mediation and visualisations that Veronica hosted one to one with me meant I got to explore and meet the elements of myself that are showing up when I feel an emotional reaction to anything that life throws my way!
I have left the sessions feeling empowered and genuinely more wholesome. With a focus on feminine energy and acceptance, I'm much more in position where loving myself comes naturally.
I can't thank you enough!


I am so, so pleased I found Veronica. I was feeling really low and had just been prescribed antidepressants but I didn’t want to take them and I never had to because Veronica helped me so much. I’ve learnt how to let go of the past but also now feel ready to deal with anything that comes up in the future. It’s a great place to be!


Veronica always allows space to hear me physically, spiritually and energetically. I have found my sessions to be transformative and each time I am amazed at how aligned Veronica is to my internal energies. She has a beautiful way of holding a nurturing, safe space for me to share and be vulnerable, and incredibly intuitive skills and talents that have helped shift my blockages and move me forwards. Thank you V for your support and guidance. Very much appreciated and highly recommended!

One of my greatest investments into myself has been working with Verónica. I knew that my mindset was not serving me any longer, however I was struggling to edit the narration of my story. I came across Verónica in a serendipitous way and right after my introduction call with her, I knew from Verónica's energy that working with her was just what I needed - her empathy, friendliness and ability to make one feel at ease is truly remarkable. At the time it was a big decision due to the costs attached, however, I knew that the payoff would continue to give me great returns throughout my lifetime and I was not mistaken! From working with Verónica over the past several months, I have gained significant self awareness and vastly expanded my mental toolkit, as well as gotten more in touch with my highest self and femininity. I have finally cultivated the mindset of the woman whom I always have desired to be. I give Veronica my highest recommendation!


Working with Veronica is always wonderful - each time is different, and each time we go so deep... Among other potent things, together we have excavated and released old beliefs and programmes that were suffocating me, and we have brought back a beautiful part of my Soul, so that I now feel more whole, and empowered from my very core - my transformation, both within and without, has been profound! Veronica creates such a safe and supportive container, and I feel witnessed and understood in her presence, and encouraged and inspired by her words and her deep wisdom.


I’ve been involved in the therapy and healing world for 40 years and would highly recommend Verónica. She has wonderful sensitivity, holds a safe space and is refreshingly flexible according to what the client needs.


I can only feel grateful for having worked with Verónica. With her I learnt to give myself the permission to just be myself. In the process, I felt my emotional wellbeing and inner peace were a priority. She was very professional in the way she approached my pain, and that was key in my healing process. Once again, thank you for everything and for giving so much.


1000% recommended. Very talented empowering and helpful woman. Makes you feel comfortable and coaches you in the right direction. Very supportive, great listener and helps you in the areas of your life you want to work on to be a better you. Thank you for helping me.

DeeUnited Kingdom

Your support, wisdom and kindness has helped me so much over the past few months. Your direct, clear and sensitive approach has made me wake up to my potential and to help me believe in myself again. You're the best!


Veronica has a kind and friendly approach to coaching which puts you at ease and creates a safe space to open up about issues and challenges. She has a great way of helping you to find clarity and answers, asking questions that really make you stop and think while also allowing you the space to truly explore issues in more depth. I got great benefit working with Veronica, and would highly recommend her as a coach.

LauraUnited Kingdom

I've worked with Verónica over the past 6 months and she has made a huge difference in my life.
She has changed the way I think about myself, and other people and is very knowledgeable in different subjects surrounding Coaching.
Her ability to absorb lots of information and give advice to deal with different issues is commendable and I would highly recommend working with her.
Than you Verónica!

LeenaUnited Kingdom

Veronica has such a beautiful energy, her experience and knowledge always help me find the right path and new insights about myself and my life. She is greatly intuitive and senses exactly what is going on and what type of healing is needed and the healing sessions are one of the most beautiful things you can experience! She always helps me feel better and I can feel my life is changing for the better!


I received the best therapy ever. Verónica was very understanding, I could be very open with her and cry without feeling judged, and she gave me excellent advice and exercises that I still use. I am so glad I contacted her.


The session with Verónica was very respectful, deep and intense. After only one session with her my attitude towards money shiftet tremendously, I can feel the beautiful abundance now. What a gift, thank you very much, Verónica!


Veronica is a highly skilled healer, I’ve experienced instant healing after each session, and huge shifts over the period of 2 months, I feel like a different person now, she has wisdom and compassion, I felt like talking to a best friend, she’s so understanding and kind, as well as experienced and skillful in what she does, I’m so grateful for her for helping me make those rapid and huge changes in my life.


Veronica's sessions have been very impactful for me. She was able to fundamentally shift the toxic relationship I had with a member of my family with just one intervention. Our relationship dynamic shifted significantly and permanently after only one session, which enabled me to better enjoy the presence of my family without feeling so drained afterwards. Her energy is very supportive, non-judgemental and loving and it's a pleasure to work with her. Thank you Veronica!

Happy CustomerUnited Kingdom

I worked with Vero in a moment of my life where I was full of doubts about some important decisions I had to make. She helped me see with clarity what I really needed at a deep and authentic level, and I was able to choose what was better for my wellbeing. My work with her had a very positive impact in my life.


The work I did with Vero was essential not only for accepting my flaws but for being proud of my body as a disabled woman. Gaining peace at seeing myself and releasing the fear of being rejected was truly reached with Vero’s unique way of helping. After a few sessions my motivation for embodying my identity and living my body was with me every day and still is nowadays. Vero walks her message of empowerment and freedom and I felt so blessed for encountering her.
