Reclaim Your Career Coaching Programme

Work doens’t need to be boring.

Make an impact through the fulfilling and successful career you deserve.

This programme is for you if…

You dread going to work

You only find joy when you are on holidays and the weekends feel shorter and shorter each week, always dreading the Monday morning alarm.

No idea what to do instead

You know you are meant for greater things and you dream of a succesful and meaningful career but you no clue of what options are available for you or where to start.

Frustrated & Demotivated

You know you have many skills and talents but you feel like they are being wasted in jobs where you can't develop your full potential.

Want to make and impact

You want to do work that has a positive impact in the world, that feels meaningful and rewarding.

Lack of self-confidence

You have some ideas but lack the confidence to take the next steps. Every time you think of your big vision the inner critic kicks in with gems like 'you are not good enough', 'who do you think you are?', 'that will never work for you'.


You want to make a good living through work that feels aligned with your values, with your heart and soul. You have a passion and your soul is calling you to make it happen!

Trust me, it is totally possible to have a successful and prospuerous career where you do something you are passionate about.

If I did it… ANYONE can do it!

I moved from being bored to death in a corporate job to running a successful healing coaching practice that feels aligned, rewarding and fulfilling.

It is time to reclaim your career, let me show you how!

With this programme you will...


You will get crystal clear around what you want from your career, and you will create a 'career vision' that feels aligned with your values and your lifestyle.


Understand what your strengths, skills and areas of expertise are and discover what career paths are ideal for you.

Action Plan

Define a detailed action plan to achieve your goals, whether that involves finding another job, starting a side hustle or launching your own business.

Guidance and Support

Be guided and supported by an expert career coach during your career transition, receiving continuous feedback, advice and moral support!

Empowering Mindset

Identify and remove mindset and energetic blocks that might be holding you back. Reprogram your subconscious mind to make your dream career a reality.


Discover the best practical tools to achieve your goals, including networking and personal branding strategy, how to prepare for the job search or how to start working for yourself.

What does the programme include?

90 minute 1:1



6 x1hour 1:1



(Through email or Voxer)



Programme content – What we will work on:

Your Big Career Vision

I will help you get clarity around your purpose, your values, your drivers, your strengths, what motivates you, what you are passionate about. You will discover what a meaningful and fulfilling career looks like for you. Based on this, you will define your new career goals. And we are going to make them happen!

Career path

Once you’re clear about your goals, skills and areas of expertise, we will assess what career paths would be a fit for you. You might want to move to a different role or industry, start a side hustle or maybe even launch your own business. We will explore and analyse how these options would fit into your lifestyle until you find the ideal path for you.

Action Plan

We will put together a detailed, realistic and effective action plan so you can start working towards your goals.

WOMEN, THERE IS A BONUS FOR YOU! You will learn how to integrate each type of tasks into the feminine cycle for an optimised performance. Trust me, this a game changer!

Practical Tools

I will share with you the relevant tools for your career plan. I will teach you how to:


– Network efficiently and make great connections so you don’t miss on any career opportunities.

– Build your personal brand to either be hired or get clients for your business.

– Enhance your social media profiles, CV and cover letters so you stand out from your competitors.

-Prepare for interviews and important meetings.

Mindset for success

The most important one!


Having a clear strategy is necessary but it won’t get you very far if you don’t believe in yourself and you don’t have the right mindset.

I will help you identify potential blocks that might holding you back and reprogram your subconscious mind so you become a magnet for success.

You will feel empowered and confident to make your big vision come true!



Hi, I’m Verónica and I can help!


Before becoming a Coach & Healer, I worked in Consulting and Banking for 12 years.

Despite having a successful career, I realised that wasn’t my purpose and I started a career change that led me to the most fulfilling and rewarding job I could have never imagined – helping others heal and live their highest life.

I also worked as a career coach in London for many years helping others in their career transitions

We spend most of our life at work so I know how vital it is to have a career that is successful, fulfilling and meaningful if we want to create a life of joy and puropse!

Reclaim Your Career is designed to help you turn your dream career into reality. Let me show you how!

Book a free discovery session to get some valuable tips to reclaim your career and to see if this programme is the right option for you.

Start now!