Awakened Soul 6-Week Online Program – £60


A 6 week online program to help you THRIVE in these challenging times.



  • 6 x 1,5h/2 VIDEO SESSIONS: Each module comprises a 1,5-2 hour long recorded video session with explanations, practical tips, guided visualisations, ceremonies, journaling exercises, suggested homework & more. You will have a separate mp3 file for the visualisation so yuo can do it any time you need and a pdf file of the presentation.
  • ALL CONTENT ACCESIBLE ONLINE AND DOWNLOADABLE: You will have access to all the content from day 1 and will be able to do it at your own pace. You will be able to download all the content and meditations  (12 in total!) in mp3 format so you can listen to them anytime even when offline!
  • EMAIL SUPPORT: If you have any questions throughout the program you can email me directly. You will be supported all the way!
  • TOOL BOX FOR LIFE: This program will be packed with exercises, meditations and resources that you will be able to use again and again in your daily life. On top of the 6 video sessions and guided visualisations, you will have access to additional resources, including 6 extra meditations covering different topics, step by step guides & other tools.
  • PLUS you get access to all my previous recorded workshops. Each workshop is around 2h long and they are packed with TOOLS, PRACTICAL EXERCISES & GUIDED VISUALISATIONS on the following topics:
    • Confidence & Self-Love
    • Transforming Old Stories into a Source of Inner Power
    • Transforming Uncertainty & Stress into Self-Confidence & Inner peace
    • Finding Purpose & Career Motivation
    • Awaken Your Inner Power – The Feminine Way


If you have any questions please email me at





A 6 week online program to help you THRIVE in these challenging times.


In times of uncertainty and darkness like the ones we are facing right now, the only way to thrive is to be in resonance with a more harmonious and joyful reality.

Our reality is just a manifestation of our inner state, so if we have inner harmony, we will still be able to have a joyful experience, no matter what’s going on outside.

Just like an eagle flying high in the sky is able to see things with perspective, we can elevate ourselves from the low vibration of fear, separation and whatever may come and manifest our highest destiny.

But to achieve this, we need to do the inner work. We need to heal, release the old stories, remove the programing and learn to connect with our true self.

That is exactly what this program is about!

Join me in a epic journey to deep healing, personal transformation and soul evolution!


  • You feel stressed, anxious  or overwhelmed by the current events and want to focus on yourself.
  • You are awake or in the process of awakening but feel directionless, frustrated or demotivated and want support in your spiritual journey.
  • You KNOW the time to do the inner work is NOW, but need guidance in your personal and spiritual development.
  • You tend to get stuck in toxic relationships that drain you and make you feel frustrated.
  • You are struggling with money, career success and feel like no matter what techniques you try you can’t manifest an abundant life.
  • You are ready to go within, release and heal all the blocks, beliefs, programs and traumas that are no longer serving you.
  • You feel lost and unclear about what your purpose is or how to make it happen.


  • Remove the blocks, old stories, programming and limiting beliefs  that are stopping you from thriving.
  • Upgrade your system to be in alignment with your highest destiny.
  • Accelerate your healing journey with powerful energetic techniques – in this program we will go deep and directly to the energetic imprints!
  • Establish an effective routine that will bring you into resonance with a joyful and fulfilling reality.
  • Transform any limiting beliefs or programs about money into a genuine abundance and prosperity mindset.
  • Learn how to end toxic relationships effectively so you can enjoy more authentic, nurturing and fulfilling ones.
  • Learn to connect with your higher self  safely and effectively.
  • Learn techniques to protect yourself from negative energies and psychic attacks.
  • Find clarity about your soul purpose and follow your path joyfully and smoothly.
  • Meet a bunch of like minded souls, get ongoing support and encouragement from me and the group and enjoy being part of an empowering community.



  • 6 x 1,5h/2 VIDEO SESSIONS: Each module comprises a 1,5-2 hour long recorded video session with explanations, practical tips, guided visualisations, ceremonies, journaling exercises, suggested homework & more. You will have a separate mp3 file for the visualisation so yuo can do it any time you need and a pdf file of the presentation.
  • ALL CONTENT ACCESIBLE ONLINE AND DOWNLOADABLE: You will have access to all the content from day 1 and will be able to do it at your own pace. You will be able to download all the content and meditations  (12 in total!) in mp3 format so you can listen to them anytime even when offline!
  • EMAIL SUPPORT: If you have any questions throughout the program you can email me directly. You will be supported all the way!
  • TOOL BOX FOR LIFE: This program will be packed with exercises, meditations and resources that you will be able to use again and again in your daily life. On top of the 6 video sessions and guided visualisations, you will have access to additional resources, including 6 extra meditations covering different topics, step by step guides & other tools.
  • PLUS you get access to all my previous recorded workshops. Each workshop is around 2h long and they are packed with TOOLS, PRACTICAL EXERCISES & GUIDED VISUALISATIONS on the following topics:
    • Confidence & Self-Love
    • Transforming Old Stories into a Source of Inner Power
    • Transforming Uncertainty & Stress into Self-Confidence & Inner peace
    • Finding Purpose & Career Motivation
    • Awaken Your Inner Power – The Feminine Way



1. Raise Your Vibration & Elevate Yourself

Our reality is a manifestation of our inner state. When our frequency is high, we resonate with and attract more harmonious and joyful experiences. You will learn the most effective techniques to raise your frequency, including lifestyle habits, energy and breathing techniques and even a recorded visualisation to do every day designed for this purpose.

We will start with a refreshing and empowering session going on a deep shamanic journey to upgrade our system.

2. Transforming Old Stories into Wisdom

Past experiences can leave an imprint in ourselves that will condition how we behave, think and feel as adults. We attach to roles, stories, experiences and if we don’t release them, they will hold us back from living the life we truly want to live. In this session you will identify those stories, heal the wounded part and release the imprints in a powerful fire ceremony.

3. Self-love – Honouring Our Essence

When we have a negative or traumatic experience, it is possible for a part of the soul to separate and take with it a part of our essential self. This is known as soul loss. We will use elements of shamanic journeying and soul retrieval to bring back the graceful part of ourselves. We will build a self-love routine to honour the magic and beauty within us.

4. Healthy and Nurturing Relationships

Learn how to identify unhealthy dynamics and break free from toxic relationships and patterns.

You will discover one the most powerful energetic techniques – cord cutting, and other useful tools to set healthy boundaries and enjoy healthy, authentic and nurturing relationships.

We will release the imprints or ‘affinities’ that brought us to these relationships in the first place in a fire ceremony.

5. Abundance & Prosperity Mindset

Say goodbye to any traces of scarcity or poverty consciousness that might be holding you back from having the abundant life you deserve. We will clear any beliefs or energy imprints related to money issues.

Following your purpose and being spiritual are totally compatible with having an abundant life when you have the right mindset.

I will teach you how to do a ‘Despacho’ – a shamanic offering ceremony to plant the seeds for prosperity, life flow and abundance.

6. Connecting with Your Higher Self

Learn simple and effective ways to access your higher guidance, protect yourself from negative energies and visualise your highest destiny.

Communicating with your Higher Self will help you follow your highest purpose safely and joyfully.

We will close with a powerful fire ceremony to set intentions and integrate all the work we will have done throughout the program!


I’m a qualified and experienced Counsellor, Theta Healing Practitioner and Shamanic Energy Healer, combining knowledge in various psychological models, healing modalities and esoteric traditions.

I have a friendly and empowering approach and my mission is to give you simple yet powerful tools that will get you deep and long-lasting results.

This program is a selection of the techniques, content and tools that have helped my clients the most in their healing and spiritual journey.

The guided meditations, energy techniques and ceremonies we will be doing will upgrade your inner state. You will be able to elevate yourself from the drama and will be in resonance with more joyful, harmonious and fulfilling experiences.

In these times of chaos, crisis and despair, I see a huge opportunity for deep healing, personal transformation and soul evolution.

Join me in this empowering and magical journey!


How does the program work?

When I first run this program live, we covered a module per week, so most people completed it in 6 weeks.

It worked very well and I would recommend you do the same, but you will have access to all the content as soon as you register so when and how you do it is entirely up to you! You will be able to follow the program at your own pace, in the way that works best for you.

The sessions  include meditations, energy clearing techniques, ceremonies and lots of explanations and tools for you to use in your every day life. Please make sure you will have time to watch them in a quiet place where you will be able to relax and won’t be disturbed!

I share suggested homework in each session for the week ahead, the more effort you put in, the greater results you will achieve!

You will have access to the content forever, so you can revisit the different topics and follow the guided meditations as many times as you like.

If you have any questions during the program or before enrolling, please email me at

How do I join?

You can register on this page by clicking the ‘Enrol Now’ button  – this will take you to a checkout page where you can pay by card.

Once you register, you will have access to all the recorded sessions and additional material and will be able to start as soon as you are ready!

You can also pay by bank transfer if you prefer, please email me at for the bank details.

How is this different from your free sessions?

My free sessions are only a taster of what I can do :).

What I will be sharing in this program are my most advanced techniques, it will be much deeper and much more powerful than my one-off free sessions.

This is a structured program, every week will build on the previous one. I will take you on much deeper journeys, we will do advanced energy healing techniques, I will share practical tips about lifestyle to raise your frequency, we will do different shamanic ceremonies….

By the end of week 6, you will have upgraded your system and you will feel like a complete different person.

You will have ongoing support in the Telegram group, where you will be able to ask any questions you might have and you will receive continuous encouragement and motivation.

This program is for people who want to take their self-development to the next level and are ready to take action NOW!

I feel I need to work with you but I really can’t afford this program. Are there any options?

I’m keeping the price of this program really low because I want it to be affordable for everyone. But if you don’t have the resources to pay for it, please apply here mentioning you want to join the ‘Awakened Soul’ program.

What if I don’t like it?

This is my money back guarantee: If you watch the first two modules and feel like the program is not for you, I will give you your money back. I’m confident that once you’ll start you will want to continue, but if you don’t, you will be refunded immediately as long as you request it within two weeks from registration date and have watched the first two sessions.

Will I get results only by watching the videos?

This program includes very powerful techniques and you will feel the effects if you come the sessions or watch the recordings.

However, this isn’t a quick fix and your results will depend on your effort and how committed to the program you are. I will suggest homework every week, share powerful tools and you can watch the visualisaitons as many times as you like… but I can’t do the work for you!

This is not a magic wand that will fix all your problems by watching 6 videos. If you are not willing to spend time on your personal growth, be honest with yourself, go inside and take actions this program is not for you.

But if you are ready to do the work, there’s truly powerful content waiting for you and I will be here supporting you all the way!

Is this a replacement for mental or physical health care?

No. If you are experiencing strong physical symptoms or psychological issues, please get advice from a health care provider. If you are currently in the middle of a therapeutic process, it would be advisable to let your therapist know you are starting this program.



“Wow! I really loved this workshop! It is just what I needed. I have been through a lot of trauma in my life whilst growing up and this workshop and especially the fire ceremony, really helped on my healing path to let things go which no longer serve me. It has helped to heal my inner child and give the love she deserves. I learnt so much and i loved the energy and guided meditations too.  Veronica is fantastic at what she does, has so much knowledge and experience. She is a beautiful energy to work with and makes you feel comfortable, at ease and safe. I enjoyed it so much, the 2 hours just flew by. Thank you so much for your help. Highly recommend to anyone. 10/10”

“Verónica’s workshops are incredibly powerful and thought-provoking. I always leave her workshops feeling rejuvenated, empowered and focused. I would recommend her courses to everyone!”

“Veronica’s workshops provide a valuable opportunity to dive deep into those parts of ourselves usually buried beneath the surface and bring back to the light parts that are ready to be healed. She makes this potentially tricky process so natural with her presence and the use of simple but powerful tools like the flame of a candle. I’ve found myself opening up and transmuting parts of myself that I would never have the courage or ability to do alone. With other healers this can sometimes be a draining and challenging process, but with Veronica it seems so effortless yet the effects run deep .I’m not sure if it’s her unique energy or the tools she uses that are so linked to the fundamentals of nature, I suppose it’s a bit of both, but either way, I love it and am very grateful for the opportunity.”

“The program let me look at some things from a completely different angle. It let me understand that the response that my body gives to certain situations and events is natural. Meditations added to the program were great, I could tell that I started feeling them. More importanly, I have begun the process of letting my ‘demons’ and pesimistic thoughts go and it’s been such a relief and it still is. I would strongly recommend Veronica’s program to everyone. We can really achieve a lot by understanding what stops us from thriving, learning to let it go and fix our life.Many thanks for giving me the opportunity for re-discovering my life:-)”

“Veronica has such a beautiful energy, her experience and knowledge always help me find the right path and new insights about myself and my life. She is greatly intuitive and senses exactly what is going on and what type of healing is needed and the healing sessions are one of the most beautiful things you can experience! She always helps me feel better and I can feel my life is changing for the better!”

“Veronica’s sessions have been very impactful for me. She was able to fundamentally shift the toxic relationship I had with a member of my family with just one intervention. Our relationship dynamic shifted significantly and permanently after only one session, which enabled me to better enjoy the presence of my family without feeling so drained afterwards. Her energy is very supportive, non-judgemental and loving and it’s a pleasure to work with her. Thank you Veronica!”

“The session with Verónica was very respectful, deep and intense. After only one session with her my attitude towards money shiftet tremendously, I can feel the beautiful abundance now. What a gift, thank you very much, Verónica!”

“One of my greatest investments into myself has been working with Verónica. I knew that my mindset was not serving me any longer, however I was struggling to edit the narration of my story. I came across Verónica in a serendipitous way and right after my introduction call with her, I knew from Verónica’s energy that working with her was just what I needed –  her empathy, friendliness and ability to make one feel at ease is truly remarkable. At the time it was a big decision due to the costs attached, however, I knew that the payoff would continue to give me great returns throughout my lifetime and I was not mistaken!  From working with Verónica over the past several months, I have gained significant self awareness and vastly expanded my mental toolkit, as well as gotten more in touch with my highest self and femininity. I have finally cultivated the mindset of the woman whom I always have desired to be. I give Veronica my highest recommendation! “

“I’ve worked with Veronica over the past 6 months and she has made a huge difference to my life. She has changed the way I think about myself, and other people and is very knowledgeable in different subjects surrounding Coaching. Her ability to absorb lots of information and give advice to deal with different issues is commendable and I would highly recommend working with her. Thank you Veronica!”

“I received the best therapy ever. Verónica was very understanding, I could be very open with her and cry without feeling judged. She gave me excellent advice and exercises that I still use, I am so glad I contacted her.”


It’s going to be a magical and empowering journey and I can’t wait to share it with you!

If you have any questions please email me at