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In our journey through life, we often find ourselves navigating through a maze of expectations, societal norms, and personal ambitions.

Yet, amidst the chaos, there lies a profound desire to uncover our true selves, live authentically and have a sense of purpose.

Today, I invite you to embark on a reflective journey by asking yourself four fundamental questions that can illuminate the path to your genuine essence and the life you truly aspire to lead.


1. What Would You Do If You Had All The Money In The World?

Imagine a scenario where money is no object. Envision a life where financial constraints cease to exist. What would you do with your time? Beyond the initial desire for leisure and relaxation, delve deeper into your long-term aspirations. Explore activities that ignite your passion, stir your soul, and contribute to a sense of purpose. By removing the monetary barrier, you can unearth genuine desires and rediscover the activities that bring you profound joy and fulfilment.

2. What Makes Your Heart Sing?

Reflect on moments when you feel most alive, when time seems to stand still, and you are fully immersed in the present. Identify activities, hobbies, or pursuits that resonate with your core being and evoke a sense of inner contentment. Whether it’s reading a captivating book, engaging in creative endeavours, or connecting with nature, pay attention to the pursuits that make your heart soar and embrace them wholeheartedly.

3. Revisiting Childhood Joys

Cast your mind back to the innocence of childhood, a time when the world was filled with wonder and possibility. Recall the activities and interests that captivated your youthful spirit. Often, our childhood passions provide valuable clues to our authentic selves, untainted by societal expectations or external influences. Reconnect with the essence of your inner child and embrace the activities that once filled you with boundless joy and curiosity.

4. Reflecting on Life’s Legacy

Contemplate the legacy you wish to leave behind, not in terms of grand achievements or societal acclaim, but in the profound impact you have on the world and the lives of others. Envision yourself at the end of your journey, looking back on a life well-lived. What accomplishments would bring you a deep sense of fulfilment and satisfaction? Whether it’s fostering meaningful relationships, making a positive difference in your community, or pursuing personal growth and fulfilment, aspire to live a life aligned with your values and aspirations.

As you navigate through these questions, allow yourself the space for introspection and self-discovery. Embrace the insights that emerge from this journey of reflection, and honour the authenticity of your true self. Remember, the path to fulfilment begins with knowing oneself and living in alignment with one’s deepest desires and aspirations.

If you’re eager to delve deeper into this transformative process, consider exploring resources such as my free seven-day course, “Step Into Your Power with Confidence and Joy,” designed to help you gain clarity on your vision and overcome internal barriers. Additionally, if you’re ready to embark on a journey of profound self-discovery and healing, I invite you to schedule a free discovery session for my one-on-one coaching program, “Reclaim Your Power.”

Finally, if you seek ongoing support and guidance, join my  free live sessions  on Insight Timer, where we engage in tapping sessions, discussions, and workshops aimed at nurturing personal growth and empowerment. Together, let us embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and authentic living.

This is the free course I mentioned in the video: Step Into Your Power with Confidence and Joy.



Hi, I’m Verónica, a Mindset Coach and Energy Healer passionate about helping women to break free from past conditioning and reclaim their power so they can confidently create the life they truly want to live.

I have helped many women across the globe (almost 20 countries now!) to step into their power and elevate themselves beyond their story and start living in an authentic and fulfilling way, leaving the people pleasing, self-doubts and old ways of living behind.

I have a unique approach to healing and self-development which combines powerful Energy Healing techniques (including Emotional Freedom Technique & Matrix Reimprinting, Theta Healing, Pranic Healing and Shamanic Energy Medicine), the results-orientated approach of Coaching and the therapeutic background of Humanistic Integrative Counselling.

In addition to my experience and knowledge, when you work with me I bring my powerful intuition to the table, which is one of the most effective ways to spot hidden blocks and guide you in the right direction. Plus I have a very grounded, no-nonsense approach to spirituality – which can be hard to find these days!

Does this sound like something you need in your life?

If you are ready for the deepest level of healing and transformation, book a free discovery session with me to see how my healing coaching programmes can help you reclaim your power and live your highest life!


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