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Hello beuatiful soul!

Isn’t it annoying when you get caught in a spiral of negative thoughts, not knowing how you ended up here and when you ask for advice someone tells you: ‘you are so negative, you just need to be more positive’. Like it were so easy, right?

Today I want to share with you 4 ways to stop negative thoughts that REALLY WORK.
And no, they don’t involve ‘thinking positive’ or ‘trying to see the bright side of things’ – you’ve probably heard that a million times and you know it doesn’t work!



1.Train Your Mind to Stay Present.

Add some form of mindfulness or meditation to your daily routine.

This will help you train your mind to be in the present moment and you will feel more in control of your inner world.

As you learn to not engage with and get caught in the spiral of negative thoughts, you will see that they don’t take over you anymore. You will be able to continue with your day without losing focus and you will feel much more inner peace.

2.Use Energetic Techniques to Clear Negative Thoughts.

Emotional Freedom Technique (also known as ‘tapping’) is one of my favourite techniques to clear negative thoughts. Thoughts are energy and when we use energetic techniques to clear them, it can have really quick and powerful results.

In this video I explain how to do the tapping sequence.

Or listen to this Theta Healing meditation to transmute negative thoughts.

3.Track the Negative Thought to the Root Cause.

As annoying as some negative thoughts might be, they all come from a part of ourselves. So follow that inner voice and have an inner dialogue with them: ‘When did you decide that ‘you are not good enough’/ ‘your needs are not important’ /other negative thoughts? What was going on fo her to make that decision? How was it helpful back then?

In my free online course ‘Step Into Your Power with Confidence & Joy’ you will learn how to identify the root of your negative thoughts and heal it, sign-up for free here.

4.Protect Yourself from Psychic Attacks/Negative Entities.

Some negative thoughts feel very intrusive and you might feel that they don’t even sound like you! If that is the case, it could be that you are experiencing a psychic attack or negative entities are projecting negative thoughts onto you to distract you from your purpose.

This is something very real! But nothing to freak out about.

If you feel like this could be the case, when you identify that thought just renounce them. Prayer is extremely effective in these cases. If you want to learn more about this topic I gave a workshop that includes a meditation for spiritual protection, you can watch it here.


If you enjoyed this article, you will love my FREE 7-DAY COURSE ‘STEP INTO YOUR POWER WITH CONFIDENCE AND JOY’. Sign-up for free here and receive a lesson every day for 7 days to help you reclaim your power and live your highest life.

Hi, I’m Verónica! I work with women on a self-development journey who feel ready to do the deep healing so they can live they joyful and fulfilling life they deserve. I have helped many women across the globe (almost 20 countries now!) to step into their power and elevate themselves beyond their story and start living in an authentic and fulfilling way, leaving the people pleasing, self-doubts and old ways of living behind.

If you are ready for the deepest level of healing and transformation, book a free discovery session with me to see how my healing coaching programmes can help you create the life of joy and purpose you came here to live.


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